
Among various pains, neck pain is the second most common form of pain following back pain. Neck pain often occurs in white-collar workers. In fact, anyone has suffered from neck pain. However, in most people, this is only  temporary and will soon disappear.


The neck has seven cervical vertebrae to support the head, and the neck also has muscles, ligaments, intervertebral disc cartilage, nerves and blood vessels. The spinal nerves are responsible for the feelings and activities of the neck, head, shoulders and arms. If there is a problem with the neck, in addition to neck pain and stiffness, it may lead to headache, dizziness, shoulders, hand pain or convulsions.


The muscles on the back of the neck are tense and stiff, and the activity of the neck is also affected. If the cervical nerve is damaged, it will cause persistent nerve palsy, and the muscles of the upper limbs will shrink.

High risk profile

Decapitated family: Due to work and poor neck posture, work at the desk bowing will cause the neck to wear out faster.

Trauma patient: Sprained neck bones, ligaments, muscles and joints due to sudden movement of the neck as a result of sports, work or traffic accidents.

Elderly: Neck deterioration increases with age, degeneration and loss lead to spur formation and narrowing of the intervertebral disc.

Master of tension: Physical and mental fatigue and mental stress can make the neck muscles fatigue and pain.


Correct posture – Make sure you head is algned with the neck and the body while standing and sitting.
Use a seat with a backrest to support the neck and back.